(Copied from IGDA Chapter/SIG Election Information)

Exit Materials

Having an exit process with outgoing board/steering committee members is a great way to gain insights into where strengths and weaknesses in your leadership may lay. Not only do they have direct experience with how the leadership team works, because they are leaving the team, they no longer feel the pressure to “do” and/or “fix” and may be more forthcoming with feedback.

It is also a perfect opportunity to thank your departing members for their time and expertise and recognize any individual accomplishments they had so they leave the team on a positive note and feel like they made a contribution.

In addition to maintaining knowledge and thanking members for their service, one of the goals of the exit process is to learn how the Board can improve.

Exit interviews should be done by the current Chair of the Board or Steering Committee; if it is the Chair that is departing, have the incoming Chair or Vice-Chair handle. In some cases, it may work better to have someone from the leadership team who worked very closely with the outgoing member do the exit interview.

Provided are questions or prompts but to be most effective, the conversation with your outgoing member should flow naturally based on their responses so it doesn’t feel too formal or “interview” like. Not every question or prompt needs to be used. Because of this, in-person (or video) conversations are the most impactful.

