

Teaching & Speaking

NYC Game Dev

NYC Indie Games


The Game Editors ↗︎

Talks, panels, and interviews

I speak publicly on topics like writing and worldbuilding, storytelling in games, diversity and representation, career development, and cultivating positive player and professional communities.

I believe storytelling should be a conscious, ethical act. I teach that games are engines for creating emotions. I promote a values-first approach to worldbuilding. I encourage creators to examine their beliefs and identify the ethos— the considered worldview*—*they want their work to embody.





Discussions and interviews



I’m an adjunct professor of game design at the NYU Game Center, and I’ve previously taught at Parsons School of Design and Playcrafting NYC on topics like environment design, interactive storytelling, and worldbuilding.

Book me for your event or a private session

Would you like to have me on your show, at your event, or in your classroom? I’m available for speaking engagements, class visits, and guest critiques.

You can also book a virtual session for you or your team. I’ll present my class material, give feedback on your work, or cover topics tailored to your individual needs.

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Headshot and bio

“ I really appreciated Jess’s insight and the many resources she had prepared to share.” — Audience feedback for "Worldbuilding Out of Bounds"